Organoids and a large portion of Chips!
The WORC.Community podcast and also watch (at WORC.Community) the free to join network for organoid, organ-on-a-chip & NAM researchers. Join Professors Marianna Kruithof-de Julio, University of Bern and Steven Ray Haakon Wilson, University of Oslo talking all things organoid and organ-on-a-chip! Contact us with your questions. Watch video at https://www.worc.community/channels/5753
5 episodes
What have organoids ever done for me? Translating science in a dish to patient outcomes.
What have organoids ever done for me? Translating science in a dish to patient outcomes. Special guests: Surgeon-scientist Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Kiss, Inselspital and Prof. Roland Seiler-Blarer, Head of...
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode 2: 'Organoids and a large portion of Chips!' with special guest Prof Thomas Hartung!
We tackle ethics, organoid intelligence and will we ever stop using animals?Watch the video h...
Season 1
Episode 2
Who is Marianna from the WORC.Community Podcast: 'Organoids and a large portion of Chips!'?
The WORC.Community podcast at the free to join network for organoid, organ-on-a-chip & NAM researchers!Research is better connected, FREE join the WORC.Communit...